Freedom of Speech at the University of Toronto

Ahmed Allahwala leading a seminarIn 1992, the Governing Council of the University of Toronto passed the University’s Statement of Institutional Purpose and its Statement on Freedom of Speech. These Statements have served as the cornerstones upon which the University of Toronto has built its commitment to free expression. Over the years, that commitment has been tested, defended, and enlarged, notably with the 2006 Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Excellence.

Today, the free flow of debate, strengthened by a multiplicity of diverse ideas and beliefs, is one of the hallmarks of excellence at the University of Toronto – and it has led to discovery, understanding, and advances in the human condition.

This website collects the University’s policies and statements on free expression and related matters, offers answers to a few frequently asked questions, and provides some broader social and historical context informing an issue that has surfaced throughout our history and helped shape the University of Toronto into the institution it is today.